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Our neurological care is based on the latest medical knowledge. Our experts approach patients in a friendly manner and set up the examination program individually according to your needs and possibilities. We will consult with you about all examination and treatment procedures. Our goal is the best possible professional care for you and a quick solution to your health problems in the pleasant environment of our neurological facility.

What difficulties we are dealing with?

Back pain

Back pain

We examine and treat acute and chronic lumbar, cervical and thoracic spine pain. Pain radiating to the upper and lower limbs.



We solve acute and chronic headaches such as migraines, tension pains, headaches caused by cervical spine diseases and others.

Changes in the sensitivity of the limbs

Changes in the sensitivity of the limbs

We deal with disorders such as reduced sensitivity of the limbs. Tingling or burning sensations in the upper and lower limbs.

Limb mobility disorders

Limb mobility disorders

We investigate mobility disorders of the limbs, which include their weakening, impaired control, clumsiness when handling objects and tremor.

Memory and orientation disorders

Memory and orientation disorders

We examine patients with suspected memory disorders, impaired orientation, suspected Alzheimer's disease or other cognitive disorders. We offer a detailed memory examination and further monitoring of the development of these difficulties.

Gait and balance disorders

Gait and balance disorders

We diagnose conditions that are manifested by impaired walking, stability while walking, and dizziness.



We examine patients with seizures in whom a possible epileptic origin is suspected.

Book an examination at our clinic

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